Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Caffeine For Weight Loss?

Ah Caffeine... Many people love to drink this to enhance their energy and sometimes to suppress their appetite. Caffeine has been widely used in many slimming pills or in other slimming herbs because of its ability to suppress hunger. But does it really work for weight loss?

Here are the fact about caffeine: caffeine can suppress your appetite because it works like a stimulant. Not only can it can suppress your appetite, but also it can boost your metabolism. Both effects (Appetite suppressant and Metabolism booster) only last for couple of hours.

Let me tell you that I am a coffee (caffeine) addict and I need to drink this stuff up to two cup in a day. If I don't drink this I would shake and it would be hard to focus, but I realize that my appetite is certainly suppressed after drinking. Not so sure about the metabolism though.

So with a argument like that certainly caffeine is good for weight loss right? Not quite...

Caffeine suppress your appetite for only a couple of hours and after that there is a good chance that it can increase your appetite because it can increase your cortisol level. Not only can it increase your appetite, but it can also slow your metabolism because after a high sudden boost from caffeine for a couple of hours, your body goes into a slower rate.

Caffeine for a diet aid can be good if you know these two facts. It can only last temporally and so, if you want to use caffeine as a diet aid you want to exercise when your metabolism is high and you want to force yourself to eat when your appetite is low because when your appetite is high, you already stuffed.

For More Related Topics Blog: Ace Weight Loss

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